Injury Prevention for Runners Feb 01 2018

At any given time up to 50% of runners are injured. Given that the load being absorbed by the joints is anywhere between 8 and 12 times your own body weight, it’s understandable that injuries can occur if people fail to train effectively.

One of the most important ways to prevent injury is to ensure that you do not over-train or increase your training schedule too quickly. Research has shown that if runners stick to a ’10% rule’ they are less likely to experience injury due to over-training. This means that runners should not increase their running distance by more than 10% each week. Sticking to this rule shouldn’t be difficult as long as you give yourself adequate time to train for any competitions or races you have entered. For example, if you are completing a half marathon and only give yourself a few months to prepare you may have to accelerate your training distance and run the risk of injury.

If you are taking up running for the first time, or have had a significant break from running I would suggest using a reputable training app to help you plan your training schedule. The NHS Couch to 5km app is particularly good for novice runners.

Allowing adequate recovery time between each run is imperative to prevent muscular overload and allow the muscles to restore themselves to their pre-workout level. Recovery times can vary between individuals depending on age and overall fitness. However, a 48 hour break between each run normally gives the muscles adequate time to recover from fatigue.

Runners are often guilty of shunning strength training in favour of more running. However, strong legs and core muscles are imperative to promote running endurance, recovery time, speed and efficiency. If you run without completing any strength training you are doing yourself a disservice and preventing yourself from achieving your full potential, as well as increasing your risk of injury.

Any strength training programme should incorporate core, gluteal and lower limb exercises. I would recommend you consult a physiotherapist or exercise professional to get the maximal benefit from your training regime.

Visit us for expert physiotherapy in central London for an opinion on how to optimise your regime.

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