Iliotibial Band Syndrome May 22 2020

ITB syndrome is a common injury that affects cyclists and runners. It is characterised by pain on the outer part of the knee joint. The ITB is a sheet of connective tissue which runs between the hip and the knee joint, down the outside of the leg. The injury is associated with overuse, where a repetitive irritation of the ITB causes an inflammatory reaction.

Risk Factors for developing ITB Syndrome:

  • Weakness of the hip muscles
  • Poor hip and knee co-ordination
  • Running styles
  • Core strength
  • Flexibility
  • Foot and ankle control
  • Footwear

When assessing somebody who presents with ITB syndrome it is important to look at all the risk factors involved. Taking a thorough history to understand whether there has been a change to training or loading patterns, recovery regimes or sleep. Assessing lower limb biomechanics to look at the control, co-ordination and balance in single leg movements. Isolated muscle tests to assess gluteal function, core, ankle stability and leg strength. Muscle length tests to analyse any soft tissue restrictions affecting the joints of the lower limbs. Footwear is also important, so we will look at your running trainers to check that they are not too worn and provide the correct support for your foot type.

We can then take you through a specific physiotherapy treatment program to address your risk factors and monitor your return to sport pain free.

Online physiotherapy can assess and treat this condition through careful expert assessment and video analysis. You will then commence a program that is designed specifically to address your risk factors. You will have regular email support and receive exercise videos to guide you through your exercise regime.

If you would like to book a physiotherapy appointment you can do so: 

  • Online: on our website
  • By Phone: 020 3488 2244 
  • By Email:

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